Camille Farey

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Instagram freedom vs. real freedom in an online business


It's a word that gets thrown around a lot in online business circles.

"I started my business to have the freedom to work from anywhere. Look, here I am with a laptop on a beach!"

Honestly? This message never felt 100% right to me.

It's too light. Too frothy. Too Instagram-glossy.

I want to talk about the REAL freedom an online business can create.

  • Freedom from your sexist boss

  • Freedom from being passed over for promotions because of the color of your skin

  • Freedom to take as much maternity leave as you need

  • Freedom to weather a global pandemic, knowing you can still put food on the table

  • Freedom to thrive, not just survive

  • Freedom to be, do, and have whatever lights you up (And yep! That can include working from a beach if that's your thing 🙂 Joy and rest are radical, too.)

THAT, to me, is freedom.

To me, my online business represents the freedom to create a new reality. To rewrite the rules. To step outside of old, oppressive systems that marginalize women, people of color, and so many other groups.

It's a vehicle for personal and global change. (A fun and challenging one, at that).

It's also a vehicle for earning money, and I'm proud of every penny that comes in and flows out because money = freedom, too.

I want more of it.

And I want YOU to have more of it.

You deserve it.

So, when I talk about how to create a simple website that sells your services (which I do often), this is what I'm talking about.

It's so much bigger than a "how to" tutorial, although I'll be sharing plenty of those.

For now, I'm curious — what does freedom mean to you? Leave a comment and let me know.

x Cami

PS. I know I just poked fun at the "work from a beach" trope, but how nice does a beach sound right now? If you're near one, enjoy!


A few resources from me:

Some things I've been listening to/reading lately that you might like:

And just for fun...