Camille Farey

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How to create a website that grows your email list [VIDEO]

Have you ever looked at your website and thought "yikes! This thing is kinda out of date"?

I have.

It's not because there's anything wrong with my website. It's not because it's ugly, or hard to use, or cringe-inducing in some way.

It's because my business has changed.

The last time I renovated my website, I was a web designer working exclusively with 1:1 clients. I wanted people to come to my website, check out my services, and book a call.

These days, my online course Simple Site Blueprint makes up the majority of my revenue. And, like most course creators, the main way I sell and market my course is through email.

Over time, the goal of my website changed from booking 1:1 clients to growing my email list.

This change meant that I needed to update my website to make it easier for visitors to find and opt-in for my email list.

Your business goals and website will change over time, too.

If you feel like your website is out of date, it's normal. Everyone's business shifts and evolves.

Instead of stressing about the "perfect" website, you can make improvements as you go, just like I did in the video above!

Curious to know what I did to boost email opt-ins on my own website?

Watch the video above to learn how I created a website that grows my email list in 4 simple steps.

If you want to grow your email list, too, this video is perfect for you.

Ready to create your own stunning website? Watch my free masterclass to learn how — even if you’re not tech-savvy!